so kenapa je kalau kau ade rumah shake?
(aip main kasar sape skang)
ok xde lah, hari ni tiba-tiba rajin pulak nk teman mak pergi Tesco beli barang-barang dapur.
okay2, i memang suka pg Tesco tu.hahah
tau kenapa? sebab dekat so x payah la pening2 nak pakai baju apa or melaram bagai nak rak.Tesco je punnn.:P
oh biase lah kalau i yg teman maka barang-barang dapur akan bergabung dengan brg2 shakie yg'sikit'.bahaha.sampai mak pernah x nak kasi i ikut.hahaha
dia kata:
'kakak nak ikut ke mak pg Tesco ni?'
i jawab
'nak la mcm biase kenapa?'
mak balas
'hm.yelah.ala tesco je dekat je.mak bkn nk beli ape punn'
ya Ampun!sampai mcm tu sekali dare you my love.
(x nak kasi ikut ckp la main ayat tersirat pulak)
iloveyou lah!
*nak tau brg ape yg byk sgt tu?

oh YEAH. i bought Vaseline Total Moisture for Nourishing. I tell you peeps. its really good and worth it. Basically its a lotion enrich with Vitamin E, Soya and Oat Extract. you can apply it to all parts of your body except your face.
-girls, we do need to take a good care of our health in and out. Since we are not in London, you better start it now-
Next.Invigorating Vitamin Mask from Nivea.
well in case if you don't know what is meaning by Invigorating, its mean (Menguatkan lagi struktur kulit muka kita)
you should try it. you can see the different girls :)
you also can have it according to you need.
Honey.Anti-agent.Refining.Refreshing and lots more.

And last but not least its Anti-Marks cream from Fair & Lovely.
its good to those who still have remain scars either pimple or what so ever.It helps blemish your marks.
p/s: when i was young, i'm not use to these things till i had a very bad pimples cause of my unstable hormon.
-Its not to late to have it- :)
ok xde lah, hari ni tiba-tiba rajin pulak nk teman mak pergi Tesco beli barang-barang dapur.
okay2, i memang suka pg Tesco tu.hahah
tau kenapa? sebab dekat so x payah la pening2 nak pakai baju apa or melaram bagai nak rak.Tesco je punnn.:P
oh biase lah kalau i yg teman maka barang-barang dapur akan bergabung dengan brg2 shakie yg'sikit'.bahaha.sampai mak pernah x nak kasi i ikut.hahaha
dia kata:
'kakak nak ikut ke mak pg Tesco ni?'
i jawab
'nak la mcm biase kenapa?'
mak balas
'hm.yelah.ala tesco je dekat je.mak bkn nk beli ape punn'
ya Ampun!sampai mcm tu sekali dare you my love.
(x nak kasi ikut ckp la main ayat tersirat pulak)
iloveyou lah!
*nak tau brg ape yg byk sgt tu?

oh YEAH. i bought Vaseline Total Moisture for Nourishing. I tell you peeps. its really good and worth it. Basically its a lotion enrich with Vitamin E, Soya and Oat Extract. you can apply it to all parts of your body except your face.
-girls, we do need to take a good care of our health in and out. Since we are not in London, you better start it now-

Next.Invigorating Vitamin Mask from Nivea.
well in case if you don't know what is meaning by Invigorating, its mean (Menguatkan lagi struktur kulit muka kita)
you should try it. you can see the different girls :)
you also can have it according to you need.
Honey.Anti-agent.Refining.Refreshing and lots more.

And last but not least its Anti-Marks cream from Fair & Lovely.
its good to those who still have remain scars either pimple or what so ever.It helps blemish your marks.
p/s: when i was young, i'm not use to these things till i had a very bad pimples cause of my unstable hormon.
-Its not to late to have it- :)