haha.ceh, tajuk nak bajet je.
here's the thing.i'm gonaa give you a lect about el-love to day.HAHA.
nah kiddin! but yaa this time entry is about love.(again)
how much did you know about love? this much.that much or know nothing.to me love is..err.love is like a..emmm.hahaha!.
ok move on.today's love thing seems like funny to me. how they simply can fall in love(kononnya) with someone just like that?woww.
for example like them.(pandang atas syg) hee.haa.its happen every where today right.
again.poor this nice guy which had a crush on this sweet girl, but unfortunately she choose the jerk one and bla bla bla.~
what the hell?
common girls.wait .you too guys.stop lying yourself or idk may be you are totally blind.if you have someone who very nice and who youu can turn on when you have a problem, but at the end of the day.*POP.that sweet talker boy or gedik sexy lady is you choice.-___-'
because of this?
-omg, he is caring la.
-dia cute kot.ramai nk no dia kay~
-dia cun kot.aku suka awek manja2 ni.hehe(err)
-dia boleh bla la.
-hmm.idk.i just love him(ni lagi geli jawapan dia)
-tah la.dia mcm sweet tau bila dia pakai baju tu baju ni
seangkatan dengannya.
hel-lo. they are pretend to love you guys.can you see that?because its naturally that at the end of the day mereka akan pilih yang baik menjadi pasangan hidup mereka.
adk-adk, please do me a favor.its not your time to involve in this matter.
saya bukan apa, kesian dengan nasib anak2 muda sekarang yg kebanyakannya masih di bangku sekolah menjadi mangsa cinTA ni.oh god, its really sad.
if you are not ready to be a mom or dad, you better back off.make your teen's life more fun.ok darling?:)