Tuesday, April 26, 2011

KL International Book Fair 2010-2011

ya Allah. i wish i can make it there.:(

but i have something came up and so good bye i guess to them.

guys you should go!! please.haha. take this opportunity once in your life my dear.I'm sure you get lots of fun. Do take the advantages there .
I malas nk taip byk sebab frust x dpt pergi -___-

so click this to get more info

please go please go to this Book Fair!

p/s: its held up until this 1 may!:)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Aktiviti di rumah:)

so kenapa je kalau kau ade rumah shake?
(aip main kasar nampak.blog sape skang)


ok xde lah, hari ni tiba-tiba rajin pulak nk teman mak pergi Tesco beli barang-barang dapur.

okay2, i memang suka pg Tesco tu.hahah

tau kenapa? sebab dekat so x payah la pening2 nak pakai baju apa or melaram bagai nak rak.Tesco je punnn.:P

oh biase lah kalau i yg teman maka barang-barang dapur akan bergabung dengan brg2 shakie yg'sikit'.bahaha.sampai mak pernah x nak kasi i ikut.hahaha
dia kata:

'kakak nak ikut ke mak pg Tesco ni?'

i jawab

'nak la mcm biase kenapa?'

mak balas

'hm.yelah.ala tesco je dekat je.mak bkn nk beli ape punn'

ya Ampun!sampai mcm tu sekali mak.hahaha.how dare you my love.

(x nak kasi ikut ckp la awal2.ni main ayat tersirat pulak)
iloveyou lah!

*nak tau brg ape yg byk sgt tu?

oh YEAH. i bought Vaseline Total Moisture for Nourishing. I tell you peeps. its really good and worth it. Basically its a lotion enrich with Vitamin E, Soya and Oat Extract. you can apply it to all parts of your body except your face.

-girls, we do need to take a good care of our health in and out. Since we are not in London, you better start it now-

Next.Invigorating Vitamin Mask from Nivea.
well in case if you don't know what is meaning by Invigorating, its mean (Menguatkan lagi struktur kulit muka kita)
you should try it. you can see the different girls :)
you also can have it according to you need.
Honey.Anti-agent.Refining.Refreshing and lots more.

And last but not least its Anti-Marks cream from Fair & Lovely.
its good to those who still have remain scars either pimple or what so ever.It helps blemish your marks.

p/s: when i was young, i'm not use to these things till i had a very bad pimples cause of my unstable hormon.

-Its not to late to have it- :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

wishing you

(bukan dah pagi ke??)

buah hati.

Ini lah sebab dan punca kenapa saya perlu balik tiap-tiap minggu :)

1 tahun 5 bulan.

-kissing you-


p/s : dia dah pandai sebut mama, ayah.abang dan semua kecualiiiiiii kaaa.kak?!hahaaha

love? ok daaaaa~

haha.ceh, tajuk nak bajet je.
here's the thing.i'm gonaa give you a lect about el-love to day.HAHA.
nah kiddin! but yaa this time entry is about love.(again)

how much did you know about love? this much.that much or know nothing.to me love is..err.love is like a..emmm.hahaha!.

ok move on.today's love thing seems like funny to me. how they simply can fall in love(kononnya) with someone just like that?woww.

for example like them.(pandang atas syg) hee.haa.its happen every where today right.
again.poor this nice guy which had a crush on this sweet girl, but unfortunately she choose the jerk one and bla bla bla.~
what the hell?

common girls.wait .you too guys.stop lying yourself or idk may be you are totally blind.if you have someone who very nice and who youu can turn on when you have a problem, but at the end of the day.*POP.that sweet talker boy or gedik sexy lady is you choice.-___-'

because of this?

-omg, he is caring la.
-dia cute kot.ramai nk no dia kay~
-dia cun kot.aku suka awek manja2 ni.hehe(err)
-dia boleh bla la.
-hmm.idk.i just love him(ni lagi geli jawapan dia)
-tah la.dia mcm sweet tau bila dia pakai baju tu baju ni


seangkatan dengannya.
hel-lo. they are pretend to love you guys.can you see that?because its naturally that at the end of the day mereka akan pilih yang baik menjadi pasangan hidup mereka.

adk-adk, please do me a favor.its not your time to involve in this matter.
saya bukan apa, kesian dengan nasib anak2 muda sekarang yg kebanyakannya masih di bangku sekolah menjadi mangsa cinTA ni.oh god, its really sad.

if you are not ready to be a mom or dad, you better back off.make your teen's life more fun.ok darling?:)

this APRIL is full with..


..happiness because one on my best friend, Khadijah bt Sharif.had a safe flight to Tanah Suci for Umrah. haihh.bertuah nya badan muda2 dah dapat pergi sana! jeles okay. kd, kami doakan anda sekeluarga akan selamat pergi dan selamat pulang.Amin.


..sadness.Yeah my Best Friend, Afifah bt Othman telah kehilangan ibundanya yang tercinta.
ifa, i'm sorry for lost.
-we are always here for you.be strong because ALLAH loves her more-
salam takziah dari aku sekeluarga syg.
i know you can do it like you always do:)

attention please



Tuesday, April 12, 2011

dugaan NYA

Ya Allah besarnya dugaan. tak pe. sebagai hambanya aku redha.
ujian demi ujian yang datang meninmpa diri ini namun aku tau kena gagahkan diri kerana setiap masalah itu pasti ade jalan penyelesaiannya.InsyaAllah.

*oh ya you guys must be like ''yela tau la semua tu. tp ape masalahnya.??''

oh macam ni. baru-baru ini saya tidak lagi dapat membuka laman sosial saya.Facebook.
tak tahu lah macam mana sama ada saya yg tukar PW tu atau org lain.(doa2 lah itu kesilapan saya sendiri)

*rindu nak berada di Facebook tatkala bosan melanda.:(

jadi di sebabkan itu saya kurang fokus dalam apa jua hal.haha
well i'm not saying that Fb is everything.i concern more about my right from being exploit.
hmm.it keeps playing on my mind. but on top of that i just know that final exam is around the corner.banyak lagi nota perlu di habiskan dan difahami. latihan banyak lagi perlu dilihat semula.

jadi disebalik semua ini hanya satu sahaja cara untuk kita keluar dari masalah.
(i bet you guys know especially if you are muslim)

Solat dan berdoa.:)
ya ini lah cara kita untuk meminta bantuan dan petunjuk ketika dalam kesusahan.
and i always keep this on my mind.
mungkin ade hikmah di sebalik semua ini dan sentiasa percaya bahawa Allah maha besar dan maha mengetahui.:)

-Tolong doakan agar masalah yg saya lalui ini menemui jalan pemyelesaian yang baik-


Saturday, April 9, 2011


i'm home. that's the first thing i want you out there to know.

so what the heck? haha
oh yeah, i finally can KISS and HUG my cute adorable yaya